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help users to have ofbiz using a postgreSQL database
SAML2 connector for OFBiz, to be able to have Apache OFBiz Applications as a ServiceProvider with SSO with an IdP (IdentityProvider)
Utils class and methods to read and used ofbiz data model (entity and uml-information) Currently only used by ufo project
This project is for patch files, in git format-patch, for Apache OFBiz® (ofbiz-framework and ofbiz-plugins) to be able to use ufo-desktop application or ufo webApplication
Daycare /childhood management application
Dedicated files to have an example application using vueJsPortal plugin
OFBiz Selenium WebDriver
ofbizextra website, generate with asciidoc and Jbake
Uml For Ofbiz, standalone application for create UML Data schema by using OFBiz data model
Standard Apache OFBiz Documentation modification / enhancement / correction proposal
to be able to test install and un-install a plugin in ofbiz
to be able to test multiple plugin install or uninstall in ofbiz
Theme dedicated to VueJs Front, which look like flatgrey. This theme will be selected automatically, when a component fjs is selected and flatgrey is the current theme. This theme is the first of dedicated theme for FrontJs with VueJs and vuetify
Poc to manage OFBiz portlet and portal page with vuejs
Modification for OFBiz waiting Jira process
Dedicated files to have an partymgr application using vueJsPortal plugin
Contain some patch done with git format-patch and with name started by OFBIZ-{jira-number}_00xxxxxxxx These patchs are apply every day on ofbiz trunk